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Scholarship Program

RHCCUCC Scholarship Info and Application Form


Each year, our church awards college scholarships which are funded by investment returns from the Scholarship Endowment Funds. Applicants should be members of Rocky Hill Congregational Church, active members of one of its youth organizations, or active participants in the life of the church. Awards are based upon church and community involvement, demonstrated scholastic achievement, financial need, and the completion and submission of a scholarship application form. Scholarships may be awarded for up to four years of undergraduate studies.


Recommendations on scholarship recipients are made by the Scholarship Committee, whose members are appointed by the Church Council. This recommendation is then subject to the final approval of the Council.


Graduating high school seniors and returning college undergraduates who are seeking a church scholarship for the 2024-25 academic year are invited to complete and return an application prior to April 15, 2024. Scholarship awards will be announced in June.


Scholarships to graduating seniors will be presented in the applicant's school awards assembly program. Otherwise, recipients will be notified by letter. Scholarship checks will be paid to the awardee and notification of change of plans or non-attendance should be made to the committee prior to issuance of checks in mid-July and mid-December.


The application form may be downloaded here in the form of a Word document or PDF, filled out electronically and e-mailed to, printed and mailed, or hand delivered to the Church office.


RHCC_Scholarship Application (Word)  |  RHCC_Scholarship Application (PDF)


A reminder from the Scholarship Committee to all graduating High School Seniors and all who are currently attending college: Applications for RHCC Scholarships are now available and due April 15. The application form can be found above. Please submit your completed application to: or mail it to the church office. Please email the scholarship committee at with any questions.



The Fuller Scholarship Program is administered through Trinity College for the benefit of high school seniors who are members of the UCC Congregational Church in the Hartford County area. This is a need-based scholarship program for students planning to attend a fully accredited college. Preference will be given to candidates planning to pursue a full-time program leading to a baccalaureate degree. It is renewable for succeeding years, if the student continues to meet the criteria.


Frank Roswell Fuller was born in Hartford in 1873 and attended local public schools. He later formed his own company at 40 Wall Street known as Fuller & Company, which operated from 1904 to 1920. When he retired he came to live in West Hartford. He died in 1957. His will established a substantial scholarship fund. Mr. Fuller was always interested in helping “needy, deserving” students obtain the education that he had not been able to enjoy himself. The deadline for submitting your application and other documents is April 15, 2024.


Now is the time to begin working with the students and their families. The application and application information can be found here:


Fuller Scholarship Information  |  Fuller Scholarship Application Packet

Rocky hill Congregational church

Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.

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Weekly  Worship Service (in person and via zoom)

Sundays at 10 am

805 Old Main Street, Rocky Hill, Connecticut

On-street parking around building.

Additional free parking in Town lot in rear of building.

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