There are many opportunities to contribute at Rocky Hill Congregational Church.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about ways to financially donate to the mission and ministries of Rocky Hill Congregational Church, UCC.
You provide information about your bank account that enables direct transfers of your designated support from your bank account to the church (similar to writing a digital check). We have partnered with Vanco Payment Solutions, a leading financial service provider trusted by more than 20,0000 churches to process donations in a digitally efficient and secure manner for more than 20 years. You will incur no charge if you select this payment method.
Yes, but be aware that RHCC incurs a fee of 2.85% for all credit card transactions. If you elect to donate using a credit card, we ask you to consider selecting the option to increase your donation by 2.85% to cover the fee. Also, note that we cannot accept payments for Scrip by credit card unless you opt to pay the 2.85% charge. (If we accepted credit cards for all scrip payments, the net income to the church from this fundraising program would be reduced almost in half!)
Yes. Your bank’s website most likely allows you to send a check directly to any entity through its bill paying module. You should set up a new payee as “Rocky Hill Congregational Church, 805 Old Main Street, Rocky Hill, CT 06067." Then you can have checks sent to the church, just like a bill payment. You can also specify that payments should be made at a recurring frequency.
First of all, we love it when donors ask this question, as recurring gifts provide an enduring commitment that allows us greater assurance of our ability to continue to fund our mission and ministries.
There are several ways that you can do this:
Using our interface with Vanco, you may specify a weekly, biweekly, or monthly frequency for your donations. This authorization can, of course, be modified by you at any time.
Using your bank’s own online banking facility, you can probably direct that checks be mailed at some recurring frequency.
Yes, within limits. Our Vanco interface allows you to select one of five general options: “Ongoing Sustaining Gifts,” “Abundance Gifts and Special Offerings,” “VisionFund300,” “Scrip Payments,” and “Other.” If you select “Other,” please type in the special offering or purpose for your gift (i.e., memorial gift, payment for special program, payment to light the tower, etc.).
If you pay by check sent from your online banking site, please specify the purpose in the “memo” field of your check. If that field is not passed along by your bank, then please notify our financial secretary (finsec@rhccucc.org) by email when a designated payment is made.
If you are donating by Vanco, mail, or offering plate and your donation is $250 or more, you will receive an emailed tax receipt from RHCC within a few days. Recurring givers will automatically receive a summary tax receipt at the end of each calendar year. If you are unsure that our Financial Secretary knows where to send your tax receipt, or if you wish to request a summary annual tax receipt at year-end, please send an email to finsec@rhccucc.org.
Please visit our scrip program page for detailed information.
We are happy to directly respond to your specific questions or concerns. Please send an email to finsec@rhccucc.org.