Children, Youth & Families

Sunday Morning Programming

Children Under 3

We currently have a staffed Sunday Morning childcare program for those under 3 that engages the Frolic curriculum and focuses on teaching our young ones that they are loved by God, by our community, and by their families. 


However, many of our families with young children prefer to have their kids stay in worship. In our sanctuary there is a "Prayground" with activities designed to engage young children in worship, such as coloring, imagining, and movement that center around the sacred stories for the morning. We frequently involve children in intergenerational worship, where they engage in our liturgy in developmentally appropriate ways.

Sunday School Program

At RHCC we recognize that every child is different and allow parents to decide when they believe their child is ready for our all-ages Sunday School program. We have had children as young as two-and-a-half to three join and enjoy this programming. Our older youth love it when younger kids join in and share the fun!

Our faith formation program is interested in meeting families where they are! We are flexible and work to make our programming accessible and comfortable for those we serve.

Our Sunday School uses a variety of progressive children’s curriculum, including Illustrated MinistriesSanctified Art, and Spill the Beans. On a Sunday morning, our goal is to help young people engage our sacred stories and learn that they are loved and valued just as they are, by God and our community.

Youth Programming

We have two Youth offerings for the 2024–25 program year.

Youth Group

Youth Group is open to anyone 7th grade and up. This is a self-selecting group, meaning that parents and youth are invited to decide when they are ready to participate, so some of our participants are younger, and others are older. This group meets twice a month, once for a fellowship event and once for a community service project. Reach out to (faith formation email) for our schedule and more information!

Confirmation Class

Confirmation class is currently closed for enrollment. Our confirmation class is a more formal opportunity for our youth to learn about the theology, ecclesiology, and history of the broader church, as well as our own.

We use the Confirm not Conform Curriculum to engage our youth in questioning their faith, rather than accepting our teachings at face value. Counterintuitively, the goal of this confirmation program is not to confirm our youth. Instead, this program engages inter-religious education, community service and organizing work, leadership training and mentorship to help our young people begin to question their faith teachings and learn to use their voice to proclaim their beliefs.

Scholarship Program

Our church community provides small scholarships to youth and adults who are active in our church and who seek to pursue higher learning (see scholarship applications and requirements).

Family Programming

We have been expanding our offerings at RHCC and have been working to create supportive community programs for parents! During the Summer you may see “Family Fellowship” outings, and in Spring of 2025 we will begin to host a Children and Adolescents NAMI support group for caregivers of young people with mental health challenges.