2025 Lent Season at RHCC
March & April Events
March 2: Mardi Gras Sunday
Dixieland Band, Rev. Mia Douglas ministering in word and songMarch 4: Shrove Tuesday
5:30pm: Pancake Dinner (RHUMC will be invited)March 5: Ash Wednesday
12–1pm: “Ashes to Go” in the RHCC parking lot
7pm: Ash Wednesday Service
March 19 at 5:30pm: Lenten Soup Supper at RHCC (with RHUMC)
March 30 at 3pm: "Through the Eyes of Humanity: A Lenten Concert"
Jermaine Woodard Jr., Shauntice Marshall, and Susan CarrollApril 9 at 5:30pm: Lenten Soup Supper at RHUMC (RHCC attending)
Holy Week
April 13: Palm Sunday
April 17 at 7pm: Maundy Thursday (RHCC only)
April 18 at 3pm: Good Friday (at RHCC; RHUMC invited)
April 20: Easter
Sunrise Service at Rose Hill followed by breakfast (joint service with RHUMC)
10am: Easter Festival Worship at RHCC